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Online Refugee Meetings - How do we live in camps today?


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Friends, sister and brothers,
next Friday the next online refugee meeting will take place:

How do we live in the camps today?
2 April 2021 | 7:30 pm
What is the situation in the camps during the pandemic?
What is the medical care like?
What is it like for our children?
How do we communicate with our communities?
Is there internet? ...

Camps have always been part of the colonial system of oppression and apartheid. Isolation camps in the Federal Republic of Germany were first set up after the Second World War for the "guest workers", later for refugees. They are an important part of the deportation machinery, serving to wear down, isolate, control, stigmatise, and prepare either for the execution of deportation or for subordination in a system of exploitation after a residence permit has been issued. As if a paper would make us equal human beings. In the manifesto against deportation we stated in 2008:

"In Germany there are different types of camps to keep people under control and break their will. The camp system is a complex system of racist segregation and social exclusion aimed at forcing refugees to leave the country. It exists to make us realise that we are not welcome. All the shelters, reception centres, deportation prisons, departure centres exist to separate us from society. It is to prevent human-to-human relationships. The camp system is an old system used in the colonies, by the German NAZI terror, by Japanese fascism and other countries where fascist ideologies came into practice. Currently, the European Union and Germany as one of its core powers are expanding the camp system to outside the European Union, as in North Africa or in Eastern Europe, as in Ukraine. The expansion is aimed at keeping those fleeing misery out of Europe."

In 2013, the refugee tribunal against the Federal Republic of Germany also indicted the camp system:
"The FRG is accused of enforcing the system of isolation camps, thereby
- deliberately isolating refugees in camps,
- enabling violence against women and children in camps,
- traumatising refugees,
- putting refugees' lives in danger by denying them medical care,
- pushing humiliation through vouchers and food parcels. "

Today, isolation camps are officially referred to in fancy language as anchor centres, state reception centres, central accommodation facilities ... ... Their functions are the same. The isolation methods even more sophisticated than before.

Today we are witnesses to refugees being held for years in inhumane camps in Greece, Italy, Spain or the Balkans at Europe's external borders and exposed to disease and misery. We are witnesses to how the Federal Republic of Germany finances isolation camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey to keep us away from Europe. In this game with our lives, profiting from the exploitations and wars in our countries, the cost of our internment in the camps is calculated. It also makes clear the attitude of the governments and societies of Europe and the Federal Republic as to what they think of the superfluous of this earth.

But what can we do to protect our lives, our fundamental rights and our physical and mental integrity? What can we do to preserve our dignity? The least we can do is to create common links, present our situation to our communities and look for solutions together.

Solidarity unites and strengthens us in these times. We refer to the results of an exchange from 2009

Exchange on Organizing and Resistance in the Camps
made during the Conference on colonial Injustice
held in Jena, from September 9 to 13, 2009

Below we have also compiled some reports on the different camps visited in the past. You can compare for yourselves what has changed or not.

If you want to participate in the online meeting on Friday, please write us an email or call the following number or write us a message:

Gülay: 0162 989 07 46 (German and Turkish)
Araz: 0178 853 07 01 (German, English, Farsi)

Note for all participants
The events are only aimed at people with refugee experience. All discussions will take place via the zoom channel of THE VOICE Refugee Forum.
Please contact us if you want to participate. Let us know which language you speak so that we can organise translations together beforehand. We will send you the link before the event.

With solidarity greetings
Your Wuppertal group of the
CARAVAN for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants

# # # # # Reports on isolation camps / Berichte Isolationslager # # # # #

1. November 2018 | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Schwelm
Entmündigung und Zermürbung von Flüchtlingen in Schwelm

30. Juli 2013 | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Heiligenhaus
Delegationsbericht zur Situation der Flüchtlingsfrauen in Heiligenhaus NRW

26. August 2012 | Baden-Württemberg | Stuttgart
Nach dem Brand am 25. August 2012 im Asylbewerberheim in Stuttgart - Heumaden lassen die Verantwortlichen die Flüchtlinge sprichwörtlich im Regen stehen.
Eine Delegation des Break Isolation Refugee Summer Camps brach direkt nach dem Brand auf und war vor Ort
THE VOICE OF REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS - Ausgabe 4 - Oktober 2012 - Seite 6

5. November 2011 | Baden-Württemberg | Hardheim
Delegationsbesuch des Isolationsheims in Hardheim, Baden-Württemberg

02. Oktober 2011 | Niedersachsen | Fallersleben
Besuch einer Delegation der KARAWANE Hamburg im Lager Fallersleben in Wolfsburg

11. September 2011 | Niedersachsen | Bramsche-Hesepe
Bericht einer Wuppertaler Delegation im Lager Bramsche / Niedersachsen
گزارشی از ھيئت اعزامی کاراوان ووپرتال ازاردوگاه پناھندگی برامشه / نيدرزاکسن
Deutsch: http://thecaravan.org/node/3037
als PDF: http://thecaravan.org/files/caravan/Bramsche_20110911_Delegationsbesuch.pdf
Farsi: گزارشی از ھيئت اعزامی کاراوان ووپرتال ازاردوگاه پناھندگی برامشه / نيدرزاکسن

28. August 2011 | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Velbert
Bericht einer Delegation am 28.August 2011 zu einer Flüchtlingsunterkunft in Velbert

13. Februar 2011 | Niedersachsen | Meinersen
Besuch im Lager Meinersen durch SPD-Landtagsabgeordnete und Betreiberfirma K&S

16. September 2010 | Thüringen | Gerstungen
Bericht von einem Besuch im Lager Gerstungen am 16.09.10
„Das Flüchtlingslager in Gerstungen erinnert an ein Konzentrationslager!“
Wie Menschen in Deutschland entwürdigt und gedemütigt werden

12. August 2010 | Niedersachsen | Meinersen
„Sie haben uns hier rein geschmissen wie Tiere“

11. Juli 2009 | Thüringen | Greiz, Jena
Delegationsreise nach Thüringen am 11./12. Juli 2009 Bericht der KARAWANE Delegation aus Hamburg

27. Juni 2009 | Thürngen | Gangloffsömmern & Gerstungen
DE: Delegationsbesuch der Isolationsheime in Gerstungen und Gangloffsömmern, Thüringen
türkce: Gerstungen ve Gangloffsömmern Tecrit Yurtlarına Delegasyon Ziyareti
English: Delegation visit of the isolation Lagers in Gerstungen and Gangloffsömmern

17. März 2009 | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Remscheid
Pressekonferenz der Flüchtlinge vom 17. März in Remscheid

3. Oktober 2008 | Thüringen | Katzhütte
Besuch im Isolationslager Katzhütte

4. Mai 2008 | Sachsen | Possek
Posseck Flüchtlingslager: Ein Bericht des The VOICE Refugee Forum – Treffens in Jena


KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen
Marienstraße 52, 42105 Wuppertal
Telefon: 0049 (0) 202 27 27 95 34
E-Mail: wuppkarawane {ät] yahoo.de
Internet: http://thecaravan.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karawanewuppertal

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